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  • Deutsche Leasing AG
    Frölingstraße 15 - 31
    61352 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
  • +49 6172 88-00
Service Number: Financing Requests
  • For cars, equipment or IT, please contact us. We will send you a leasing or financing offer.

    Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 18:00 h
    Friday 8:00 - 16:30 h
  • +49 6172 88-3200
Services for Mobility-Customers
  • Are you already a customer of the Mobility business unit and have questions about your mobility? We will be happy to assist you.
  • Accidental damage: +49 6172-88-2460
  • Vehicle: +49 6172-88-2488
  • Contract: +49 6172-88-2499


You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

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By submitting this form, you accept that all data provided by you will be raised and stored electronically. Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing your inquiry, for example, by email. For further information please read the privacy statement.


You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

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By submitting this form, you accept that all data provided by you will be raised and stored electronically. Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing your inquiry, for example, by email. For further information please read the privacy statement.


You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

By submitting this form, you accept that all data provided by you will be raised and stored electronically. Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing your inquiry, for example, by email. For further information please read the privacy statement.




Moody’s assigns Deutsche Leasing A2 rating

The rating agency Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) has on 30 December 2024 assigned Deutsche Sparkassen Leasing AG & Co. KG (Deutsche Leasing) an issuer rating for the first time.


Change in the Management Board of Deutsche Leasing for savings bank and SME business

David Gerstner

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Leasing has appointed David Gerstner to the Management Board with effect from 1 December 2025.


Change in the Management Board of the Deutsche Leasing Group

Dr. Thomas Söhlke

Thomas Söhlke appointed as a member of the Management Board from April 2025


EIB and Deutsche Leasing support the green transformation of small businesses and mid-caps

Deutsche Leasing will provide new leases on favourable terms to small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) and mid-caps in Germany and countries in Eastern Europe |  The second tranche of this operation, started in February, has been signed | The loan has a two-fold focus on cohesion, accounting for 50% of the projects, and green investments, with 30% of green leases


Deutsche Leasing receives an A+ from Fitch

Fitch is the first rating agency to assign an issuer rating to Deutsche Sparkassen Leasing AG & Co. KG and Deutsche Factoring Bank GmbH & Co. KG | Long-term rating of A+ is on level with Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe


Deutsche Leasing strengthens its capital base

Savings banks provide EUR 300 million capital increase | Resources will enable the group to achieve further growth in the context of the green transformation


Significant growth in transformation financing

- New business again over EUR 10 billion despite challenges
- Further increase in economic result
- Strategic market development further intensified in close cooperation with savings banks


Deutsche Leasing informs about data theft during cyber attack

Almost three months after the cyber attack on parts of Deutsche Leasing’s IT systems in June 2023, the company’s own monitoring systems have detected documents on the Darknet. Some of these documents also contain customer data.


Deutsche Leasing withdraws from Russia

Deutsche Leasing has sold its subsidiary in Russia, Deutsche Leasing Vostok


Balance sheet press conference, 2023: Deutsche Leasing demonstrates operational strength

- New business up by approx. 5 per cent to EUR 10.4 billion
- Economic result higher than in previous year, despite Russia provisions
- Savings banks receive increased dividend payment
- Transformation financing is a joint future business area together with the savings banks


Balance sheet press conference, 2022: Deutsche Leasing achieves new business volume and earnings at pre-coronavirus level

- New business up by approx. 8 per cent to EUR 9.9 billion
- Economic result of EUR 175 million matches pre-coronavirus level
- Strong net asset value growth to EUR 2.2 billion
- New business in Russia frozen for time bein


Balance sheet press conference, 2021: Deutsche Leasing expects business to improve

- Lower volume of new business than in record previous year due to coronavirus pandemic
- Stronger risk provisions
- Extensive investments in future fields


Balance sheet press conference, 2020: Deutsche Leasing Group outperforms the market

New business growth exceeds 12 per cent
Net asset value increases to more than EUR 2 billion
Economic result reaches EUR 170 million
Berliner Sparkasse’s interests in AKA acquired for the development of ECA business
Swiss office planned