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  • Deutsche Leasing AG
    Frölingstraße 15 - 31
    61352 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
  • +49 6172 88-00
Service Number: Financing Requests
  • For cars, equipment or IT, please contact us. We will send you a leasing or financing offer.

    Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 18:00 h
    Friday 8:00 - 16:30 h
  • +49 6172 88-3200
Services for Mobility-Customers
  • Are you already a customer of the Mobility business unit and have questions about your mobility? We will be happy to assist you.
  • Accidental damage: +49 6172-88-2460
  • Vehicle: +49 6172-88-2488
  • Contract: +49 6172-88-2499


You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

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You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

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By submitting this form, you accept that all data provided by you will be raised and stored electronically. Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing your inquiry, for example, by email. For further information please read the privacy statement.


You can reach our head office at +49 6172 88-00 or fill out the following form:

By submitting this form, you accept that all data provided by you will be raised and stored electronically. Your personal data will be used strictly for the purpose intended and only for processing your inquiry, for example, by email. For further information please read the privacy statement.

Everything for your properties: financing solutions and construction management

Everything for real estate: financing solutions and construction management

Deutsche Leasing Group offers small and medium-sized enterprises and large companies solutions for specialised and project business. With its subsidiary, DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing, it is the market leader in real estate leasing and related services. In this segment, its focus is on two service areas that can be ideally combined: it arranges and structures long-term asset-related financing and, as a "temporary construction department", takes over construction management for all commercially used real estate, for example in the service, logistics, retail, industrial or social/healthcare sectors.

Long-term arranged and structured financing

DAL, a subsidiary of Deutsche Leasing, arranges and structures leasing, hire-purchase and other financing solutions for commercially used new and existing properties for small- and medium-sized enterprises and large companies. As part of Deutsche Leasing Group, DAL is also a partner of the Savings Banks Finance Group. With its expertise, it brings together large-volume investment projects with the financing power of the savings banks and Deutsche Leasing.

In addition, the real estate experts offer the following services:

  • Financing via nationwide network
  • Tax and legal design of the building project
  • Balance sheet structure management (for example off-balance sheet structures)
  • Time-congruent structuring of financing
Real estate financing and construction management

Construction management for medium-sized enterprises and large companies

In addition to real estate financing solutions, DAL offers a comprehensive range of real estate consulting, management and services. With its many years of expertise and real estate know-how, DAL Real Estate Management GmbH, a subsidiary of DAL, acts as a "temporary construction department" for large real estate projects, taking on numerous tasks for the client and following a proven systematic approach:

  • Analysis: Analysis of the current situation and requirements as a basis for future decisions regarding the planned properties, including feasibility studies. DAL calculates space requirements, carries out location analyses and draws up a cost plan including a general schedule.
  • Planning: DAL will supervise the project during the planning phase. To do this, it checks the intended working environments, compares customer requirements with its benchmarks, supports customers in architectural competitions and then forms a suitable project team.
  • Tendering: After the planning phase, DAL ensures that the contract is awarded to reliable partners in a cost-effective manner. It prepares the tendering procedure, examines and evaluates the bids, conducts negotiations and accompanies the tendering process until successful completion.
  • Implementation: DAL represents the client. It assumes project management and project control during the realisation of the construction project. With efficient construction controlling, it ensures costs, deadlines and quality of the work and also takes over the acceptance of the services.

For 50 years, DAL Real Estate Management GmbH has been managing more than 700 successfully implemented projects for small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies and savings banks - regardless of industry. Its expertise covers almost all commercial property classes:

  • Office/administrative buildings
  • Banks/buildings for Savings banks
  • Warehouse, logistics and distribution buildings
  • Shopping Centres
  • Research and development buildings
  • Production buildings
  • Social real estate
  • Hotels
  • Housing (no consumers)
Successfully implemented real estate projects for medium-sized companies and savings banks

Your advantages of property financing and construction management with DAL:

  • Leasing or hire-purchase solutions tailored to your needs
  • Transfer of use models as alternatives to sale-and-lease-back
  • Balance sheet structure management
  • Off-balance-sheet arrangements
  • Integration of subsidies
  • Increase in hidden reserves
  • "Temporary construction department" with an integrated complete service from analysis to handing over the keys